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I'm Nadine Brinton,
a doctor of chiropractic.
Through compassion for your struggles with injury, I serve authentic, honest chiropractic care using an organized treatment plan that often includes referrals to our community of healthcare practitioners. I will help you form a healthcare team that will keep your body moving through the demands of many quality years of life.
ABOUT Nadine

Nadine Brinton, DC began her health career studying nutrition at UC Davis. She then expanded her knowledge of how the 21st Century lifestyle challenges the body through the practice of functional medicine. During her training as a chiropractor, she met Daniel Kalish, D.C. who was the first doctor to connect her symptoms of dis-ease with the exceptional amount of stress she had experienced in her short lifetime. At the age of 22, Dr. Brinton sustained several serious injuries to her body such that her spinal curves were reversed while serving in Iraq with the 101 Military Intelligence Battalion. Along with spinal injuries, she also contracted a parasitic infection that pushed her to adrenal exhaustion. Such stress caused her excessive fatigue, loss of a normal sleep and menstrual cycle, frequent infections, and new food sensitivities. It was not until she received Functional Medicine care that her health was restored. She felt a strong connection with the philosophy and efficacy of both Functional Medicine and Chiropractic care that she was moved to share it with others.
In 2009, she graduated summa cum laude from the University of California, Davis with a bachelor’s degree in Clinical Nutrition. Two years later she received her certification in The Kalish Method of Functional Medicine. In 2012, Dr. Brinton graduated as valedictorian and with magna cum laude honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic, West. She also holds a certification as a level one CrossFit instructor because knowing and teaching functional movement is a key element to being a doctor of the human body.